Posted on February 13th, 2015
Love is in the air again. I love Valentines’ Day! Wouldn’t you agree with me that love is absolutely worth celebrating? Love the way it is, in its all forms, shapes and sizes, happy and not so much. Love that heals and understands. Love that is very personal, very sweet, and very kind. Love that accepts you for who you are unconditionally. It soothes you. It inspires you. It helps you grow.
I believe that love must be celebrated! And not only once a year, but every day. Every minute of the day.
This February I invite you to celebrate love together with me.
First of all, I have some great news for you! As romantic as I am, (well, I am a Taurus, and we just love love!) I could not stop thinking about creating a Romantic Russian video course. A course that would connect couples where one partner is already speaking Russian, or both partners are learning Russian. And now I am extremely happy and excited to announce that on February 24th Romantic Russian will be available for sale on!
In the Romantic Russian video course you will learn words and expressions that will help you build additional vocabulary related to love, romance, dating, and expressing your most inner romantic feelings.
There are the main topics that you will see in the Romantic Russian video course:
- First Encounters. Learn vocabulary to help you introduce yourself, ask a girl’s or a guy’s phone number, ask them on a date and set the time and place for the date.
- On a Date. You will learn words and expressions you can use while you are on a date or after the date. There are three main dating scenarios: at a restaurant, at the movies, and vocabulary for those who met and chatted online first and are meeting first time in person.
- Expressing Your Affection. Personally, this is my favourite section. In this section you will learn terms of endearment that you can use with your loved ones as well as tons of useful words and expressions that you can use to declare your love and express your feelings in Russian. You will also learn how to tell your partner that you love their hugs and kisses, and many other useful words and expressions.
- Proposal & Wedding. In this section you will learn how to propose in Russian, how to accept a proposal as well as many useful words you will come across at Russian weddings.
- Romantic Slang and Idioms. Learn slang and idioms related to love and romance in Russian.
In addition enjoy a bonus Valentine’s Day section!
Romantic Russian is also a video course that also comes with MP3 recordings and printable PDF lessons.
This course is a great supplement to the vocabulary you have already learned by now, and it’s a great supplement to you if you have already purchased Conversational Russian video course. Romantic Russian will help you build additional vocabulary that you can use when dating a Russian-speaking girl or a guy.
Below are ten phrases that you will learn in the Romantic Russian video course:
Девушка, можно ваш номер телефона?
[DYE-voosh-ka MOZH-na VASH NO-myer tye-lye-FO-na]
Young lady (miss), can I have your phone number?
(Asking for Someone’s Phone Number)
Ты ищешь серьёзные отношения?
[TI EE-shchesh seer’-YOZ-ni-ye at-na-SHYE-nee-ya]
Are you looking for a serious relationship?
(Getting to Know Each Other)
Мне очень понравилась твоя анкета
[MNYE O-chyen’ pan-RA-vee-las’ tva-YA an-KYE-ta]
I liked your profile very much
(A Conversation after Meeting Your Match Online)
Можно я подвезу тебя домой?
[MOZH-na ya pad-vee-ZOO tee-BYA da-MOY]
Can I give you a lift home?
(Offering to Walk Someone Home)
Спасибо за приятный вечер
[spa-SEE-ba za pree-YAT-niy VYE-chyer]
Thank you for the pleasant evening
(At the End of the Date)
Я обожаю тебя!
[ya a-ba-ZHA-yoo tee-BYA]
I adore you
(Declaring Your Love)
Я влюбился в тебя
[YA vlyoo-BEEL-sya f tee-BYA]
I fell in love with you
(Declaring Your Love)
Мне с тобой так легко!
[MNYE s ta-BOY TAK leeh-KO]
It’s so easy with you!
(Expressing Your Feelings)
Я тону в твоих объятиях
[YA ta-NOO f tva-EEH ab-YA-tee-yah]
I’m drowning in your arms
(Showing Physical Affection)
Поцелуй меня
[pa-tsi-LOOY mee-NYA]
Kiss me
(Showing Physical Affection)
Feeling lucky? Enter a sweepstakes on Russian4real Facebook page for a chance to win a free copy of the Romantic Russian video course! Click on this link to enter the sweepstakes! The sweepstakes will last starting from February 14th 2015 till February 23rd 2015. The winner will be announced on Russian4real Facebook page on February 24th 2015. Please see the official rules for details.
Good luck! Have a very happy Valentine’s Day! ❤ ❤ ❤
Related Posts:
- Fruits and Berries in Russian
- 20 Words & Expressions from the Conversational Russian Video Course
- The Story behind the Conversational Russian Video Course
- 16 Types of Russian Ice Cream You Must Know
- How to Say Good Bye in Russian
Садовник и сыновья
Л.Н. Толстой
Хотел садовник сыновей приучить к садовому делу. Когда он стал умирать, позвал их к себе и сказал:
– Дети, когда я умру, вы в виноградном саду поищите, что там спрятано.
Дети думали, что там клад, и, когда отец умер, стали рыть и всю землю перекопали. Клада не нашли, а землю в винограднике так хорошо перекопали, что стало плода родиться много больше. И они стали богаты.
Все бобры для своих бобрят добры.
Приблизительный перевод: All beavers are kind to their baby beavers.
Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.
As you sow, you shall mow.