Стихи Агнии Барто

Russian Slang and Idioms. Lesson 6.

Posted on August 14th, 2010

Today’s slang lesson will start with one of my favourite slang words – Алёша, that I would say is pretty popular in Russian language. It’s one of my favourites because it is cute…  Алёша – is a Russian boys’ name, and for some odd reason, we use it as slang when we want to name someone who is being naïve, silly, or simply made a mistake. Couldn’t to tell you why we do that, but it’s just something I wanted to make you aware of.. :)

So you can call: Алёша [a-LYO-sha] someone who is naïve, someone who just made a mistake, or someone who is not very smart, or is being silly.
– Ну, что ты всем доверяешь? Алёша!
[noo SHTO TEE VSYEM da-vye-RYA-esh’? a-LYO-sha!]
– Why do you trust everyone? You are so naïve!

Отпад [at-PAD] used to express negative or positive emotions
– Как я выгляжу?
– Отпад!
[ – KAK YA vig-LYA-zhoo?
– at-PAD]
–    How do I look?
–    Very nice!

Тормозить [tar-ma-ZIT’] 1. when talking about people: to be slow to understand something, or to respond to something. 2. when talking about things: to work slowly, or with interruptions.
Что-то мой компьютер сегодня тормозит!
[SHTO-ta MOY kam-P’OO-ter si-GOD-nya tar-ma-ZIT]
For some reason my computer is working really slowly today!

Потрясный [pat-RYAS-neey] something that is great, supurb, something that you liked very much.
Концерт был такой потрясный!
[kan-TSERT BEEL ta-KOY pat-RYAS-neey]
The concert was very good!

Глючить [GLYOO-chit] – work slowly, freeze (when talking about technology, especially computers)
Видеокамеру опять глючит, теперь она перестала записывать!
[vi-dio-KA-mye-roo a-PYAT’ GLYOO-chit, ti-PYER ANA pye-res-TA-la ra-BO-tat’]
The camcorder is not working properly again, it stopped recording.

And now you can learn how to pronounce with the video:

Have fun learning Russian! :)

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The courses of Russian as a foreign language with Russian4real take place online via Skype. The teacher works with adults individually since he is convinced that each person must receive maximum time for practice and professional attention while learning a foreign language.