Posted on January 13th, 2015
Do you love fruit and berries? I personally love them! They are delicious, sweet and very good for you. In today’s lesson we will discuss the names of different types of fruit and berries in Russian. You will also learn a few adjectives and a few verbs to help you make sentences with the new fruit words. You can also save and print the infographics below to learn the new words away from your computer.
Let’s start with the fruit names:
Фрукт [FROOKT] in Russian is “fruit”, plural is фрукты. You can learn how to form plural of the Russian nouns in my video lessons below (the lessons below are for the nouns in the nominative case only.):
The Plural of the Russian Nouns in the Nominative Case
The Plural of the Russian Nouns in the Nominative Case: Exceptions
Яблоко [YA-bla-ka] apple
Груша [GROO-sha] pear
Абрикос [ab-ree-KOS] apricot
Персик [PYER-seek] peach
Hектарин [neek-ta-REEN] nectarine
Слива [SLEE-va] plum
Авокадо [a-va-KA-da] avocado
Фига [FEE-ga] fig
Гранат [gra-NAT] pomegranate
Цитрусовый фрукт [TSI-troo-sa-viy FROOKT] citrus fruit
In plural цитрусовый фрукт will be цитрусовые фрукты [TSI-troo-sa-vi-ye FROO-kti] citrus fruits. You can also simply say – цитрусовые.
Апельсин [a-pyel’-SEEN] orange
Мандарин [man-da-REEN] mandarin
Грейпфрут [greyp-FROOT] grapefruit
Лимон [lee-MON] lemon
Лайм [LAYM] lime
Долька (+ noun in the genitive case, for example, долька апельсина)
[DOL’-ka a-pyel’-SEE-na] orange segment
Ломтик (+ noun in the genitive case, for example, ломтик лимона)
[LOM-teek lee-MO-na] a slice of lemon
Дыня [DI-nya] melon
Арбуз [ar-BOOS] watermelon
Тропический фрукт [tra-PEE-chyes-keey FROOKT] tropical fruit
Киви [KEE-vee] kiwi
Манго [MAN-go] mango
Кокос [ka-KOS] coconut
Банан [ba-NAN] banana
Ананас [a-na-NAS] pineapple
Here is an inphographic to help you learn fruit names in Russian:
Berries in Russian
Ягода [YA-ga-da] berry
Клубника [kloob-NEE-ka] strawberry
Ежевика [ye-zhee-VEE-ka] blackberry
Малина [ma-LEE-na] raspberry
Черника [chyer-NEE-ka] blueberry
Брусника [BROOS-nee-ka] cowberry
Клюква [KLYOOK-va] cranberry
Смородина [sma-RO-dee-na] currants
Чёрная смородина [CHOR-na-ya sma-RO-dee-na] ́blackcurrant
Красная смородина [KRAS-na-ya sma-RO-dee-na] redcurrant
Крыжовник [kri-ZHOV-neek] gooseberry
Вишня [VEESH-nya] cherry
Черешня [chye-RYESH-nya] sweet cherry
Шелковица [sheel-KO-vee-tsa] mulberry
Виноград [vee-nag-RAT] grapes
Here is an inphographic to help you learn the names of the berries in Russian:
And a few adjectives that will help you to describe the taste of the fruit:
Сладкий [SLAT-keey] sweet
Кислый [KEES-liy] sour
Солёный [sa-LYO-niy] salty
Горький [GOR’-keey] bitter
Bкусный [FKOOS-niy] tasty
Невкусный [nee-FKOOS-niy] not tasty
Безвкусный [bees-FKOOS-niy] plain
Свежий [SVYE-zhiy] fresh
Несвежий [nee-SVYE-zhiy] not fresh
Полезный [pa-LYEZ-niy] wholesome, good (for), useful
Сочный [SOCH-niy] juicy
Спелый [SPYE-liy] ripe
Хрустящий [hroos-TYA-shcheey] crunchy
Твёрдый [TVYOR-diy] firm, hard
Мягкий [MYAH-keey] soft
Чистить (почистить) апельсин [CHEES-teet’ a-pyel’-SEEN] peel an orange
Резать (порезать) на кусочки, на ломтики
[RYE-zat’ na koo-SOCH-kee, na LOM-tee-kee]
cut into pieces, into slices
Откусывать (кусочек) [at-KOO-si-vat’ koo-SO-chyek] take a bite, bite off
And a few sentences – examples using the words above:
Порежь, пожалуйста, лимоны на ломтики.
Please cut the lemons into slices.
Эти груши очень твёрдые.
These pears are very hard.
Наши персики сочные и спелые. Угощайтесь!
Our peaches are juicy and ripe. Help yourself!
Now it’s your turn to make three sentences using the words above! You can post your sentences in the comments area below.
If you would like to learn a new word every day, subscribe to The Russian Word of the Day program and get a Russian Alphabet in pictures e-book. This program and the e-book are absolutely free. Subscribe now!
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Садовник и сыновья
Л.Н. Толстой
Хотел садовник сыновей приучить к садовому делу. Когда он стал умирать, позвал их к себе и сказал:
– Дети, когда я умру, вы в виноградном саду поищите, что там спрятано.
Дети думали, что там клад, и, когда отец умер, стали рыть и всю землю перекопали. Клада не нашли, а землю в винограднике так хорошо перекопали, что стало плода родиться много больше. И они стали богаты.
Все бобры для своих бобрят добры.
Приблизительный перевод: All beavers are kind to their baby beavers.
Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.
As you sow, you shall mow.