Стихи Агнии Барто

Russian Possessive Pronouns Мой, Твой, Ваш, Наш, Его, Её, Их

Posted on February 22nd, 2013

Today we will talk about the Russian possessive pronouns in the nominative case.
Possessive Pronouns мой, твой, ваш and наш must agree in gender, number and case with the noun they modify. Let’s talk about each of these possessive pronouns in a little more detail.

Possessive Pronoun Мой

Possessive pronoun мой [MOY] can be translated into English as “my”.
Мой [MOY] modifies masculine singular nouns:
Мой мячик

Моя [ma-YA] modifies feminine singular nouns
Моя чашка

Моё [ma-YA] modifies neuter singular nouns
Моё зеркальце

Мои [ma-YEE] modifies plural nouns
Мои ножницы

Possessive Pronoun Твой

Твой means your or yours when talking to someone you address in ты.

Твой [TVOY] modifies masculine singular nouns
Твой стакан

Твоя [tva-YA] modifies feminine singular nouns
Твоя мобилка

Твоё [tva-YO] modifies neuter singular nouns
Твоё полотенце

Твои [tva-YEE] modifies plural nouns
Твои тапочки

Possessive Pronoun Ваш

Ваш = your or yours, use this pronoun when addressing  someone in вы)

Ваш [VASH] modifies masculine singular nouns
Ваш стакан

Ваша [VA-sha] modifies feminine singular nouns
Ваша мобилка

Ваше [VA-shye] modifies neuter singular nouns
Ваше полотенце

Ваши [VA-shee] modifies plural nouns
Ваши тапочки

Possessive Pronoun Наш

Наш means our or ours.

Наш [NASH] modifies masculine singular nouns
Наш дом

Наша [NA- sha] modifies feminine singular nouns
Наша газета

Наше [NA-shye] modifies neuter singular nouns
Наше кресло

Наши [NA-shee] modifies plural nouns
Наши друзья

Possessive Pronouns Его, Её, Их

The third person possessive pronouns его, её, их are invariable, this means that they do not change their forms according to the gender, number, or case of the noun they qualify:

Его [yee-VO] his (note: его is pronouns as ee-VO and not ee-GO)
Его часы

Её [yee-YO] her
Её сумочка

Их [eeh] their
Их собака

Ask Whose? in Russian

If you would like to ask whose in Russian, you will need to use one of the following pronouns. Again, these pronouns will need to agree in gender, number and case with the nouns they modify.
Чей [CHEY] is used with masculine singular nouns
– Чей это мячик?
– Это мой мячик.

Чья [CHYA] is used with feminine singular nouns
– Чья это собака?
– Это их собака.

Чьё [CHYO] is used with neuter singular nouns
– Чьё это полотенце?
– Это твоё полотенце.

Чьи [CHYEE] is used with plural singular nouns
– Чьи это друзья?
– Это наши друзья.

Quick Exercise
Translate into Russian:


– Whose purse is it?
– This is my purse.


– Whose slippers are these?
– These are his slippers.


– Whose dog is it?
– This is our dog.

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Have fun learning Russian!



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