Стихи Агнии Барто

Cases of the Russian Nouns & The Nominative Case

Posted on December 12th, 2012

Cases of Russian NounsToday we will talk about cases. In English sentences the order of the words tells us where the subject and where the object is. In Russian endings of nouns and adjectives tell us which is which. Which is great, because you can flip the words in a sentence at any time and it’s meaning will not change.

For example:

Юля живёт в Москве.
В Москве живёт Юля.
(Julia lives in Moscow.)

I flipped the order of the words Юля and В Москве and both sentences still have the same meaning in Russian language. You won’t be able to do the same thing in English language.
You can learn more about the Nominative Case in Russian in this lesson – The Nominative Case of Russian Nouns.

Here is today’s video lesson:


Russian nouns and adjectives change their endings for each of six cases:
Instrumental and

The Nominative Case of The Russian Nouns

The good news is that the nominative case in Russian is easy to learn because all nouns appear in the dictionaries in the nominative case, and you don’t have to memorize their endings separately.

The nouns in the nominative case answer questions
Кто? (who?)  and Что? (what?)

The Nominative Case is used for the grammatical subject of the sentence, for example:

1. Маша поёт песню.
Маша is a girl’s name, it’s a noun, it’s also the subject of this sentence and it’s in the nominative case.

2. Этот фильм очень смешной.
Фильм is a noun, it’s the subject of this sentence and it’s in the nominative case.

3. Лондон – очень красивый город.
Лондон is a noun, it’s the subject of this sentence and it’s in the nominative case.

If you would like to learn about how to form the plural of the nouns in the nominative case in Russian, watch these two lessons:

This is all for today. Have a great week and have fun learning Russian!

See you soon!

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Study with Maxim Achkasov


The courses of Russian as a foreign language with Russian4real take place online via Skype. The teacher works with adults individually since he is convinced that each person must receive maximum time for practice and professional attention while learning a foreign language.