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5 iPhone Apps to Help You Learn Russian Words

Posted on April 9th, 2012

Learn Russian with appsApps allow you to learn Russian language on-the-go, while waiting for your doctor’s appointment or on a train to work or school.

Recently I’ve reviewed 5 Android apps that will help you learn Russian language and will make your studies more fun. Today, I am reviewing 5 most interesting iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch apps that will help you learn new Russian vocabulary. 

AccelaStudy® Russian | English by Renkara Media Group, Inc.

AccelaStudy Russian app for iPhoneLearn Russian – AccelaStudy® – Renkara Media Group, Inc. allows you to learn and practice new Russian words. This app is very visual and is easy to use.

My two favorite things about this app are: My Study Sets and Audio Auto Advance. My Study Sets allows you to create your own study sets. You can combine individual words and categories into a new Study Set and give it a name. Now, you will be able to learn only the words in your Set. This feature is useful when, for example, you would like to learn adjectives only or you would like to combine several categories into one study set.

Auto Advance allows you to listen to the words in Russian and in English and repeat along with the recordings, it’s absolutely hands-free, which allows you to learn and practice new Russian words while driving or jogging, without having to worry about tapping on the screen.

Now, the interesting thing is that there is a paid and a free version of this app. FREE Russian Essentials by AccelaStudy® app includes only 132 words, which of course is not too many, but certainly is a good start. The full version of the app includes over 2,100 vocabulary words and over 65 subject areas, which, let’s face it is pretty great for a tiny app like this one.

Download Russian Essentials by AccelaStudy® app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch from the iTunes Store.

Learn Russian – WordPower by Innovative Language Learning, LLC

Learn Russian Vocabulary app for iPhoneLearn Russian – WordPower is another great app that teaches you Russian vocabulary. It includes 1,500 words and has some cool features.

The cool thing about this app is that you can record your own pronunciation of a word or a phrase by using “Record Voice” feature. Again, you can do it as many times as you like. Record Voice is a great tool that allows you to hear and compare your pronunciation to the pronunciation of the native Russian speaker.

Use Flashcards to practice new words you’ve just learned. Overall, Learn Russian – Word Power is an easy to use app with a great vocabulary selection that allows you to learn Russian on-the-go.

Learn Russian – WordPower for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch from iTunes Store.

Russian Audio FlashCards by Declan Software

Russian Audio FlashCards app for iPhone Learn Russian Audio FlashCards by Declan Software allows you to learn new words and practice their writing and pronunciation. The same app is also available for Android phones (Read my review of the Russian FlashCards by Declan Software for Android). This app includes  a great selection of 4,400 words and phrases, accompanied with a native speaker’s pronunciation.

Also, the app offers four different exercises that would allow you to practice your writing, reading and listening skills in Russian. Word Exercise offers you to choose the right word from the multiple answers. Spelling Exercise allows you to practice your spelling by typing the word in the provided field (you will have to enable your Russian keyboard in your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch settings). Meaning Exercise will help you to practice the meaning of the word by picking the right Russian translation from the multiple choices provided. Finally, you can practice your listening skills with Listening Exercise.

There are also two version of this app – free and paid. Free version includes only 6 word files: Days of the Week, 10 Numbers, 15 Verbs, Ordinal Numbers, Colors and Months. Full version offers 4,400 words to choose from!

My two favorite things about this app are that you can create your own WordFile by selecting the category and then the words and their meanings. This is very helpful if you would you like to group words into your own categories to make them easier to remember. Another cool thing is that you can actually share your WordFiles with your friends or peers on Facebook, Twitter or via email.

Download Russian Audio FlashCards app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch from the iTunes Store.

Byki Russian by Transparent Language, Inc.

Byki Russian app for iPhoneYou will love this app! Some of its features are very unique and engaging.

Byki Russian offers to learn over 1,000 most common words and phrases. Every flash card, of course, is accompanied by an audio recording and a picture, which makes your studies even more fun!

The coolest thing about this app is its SlowSound technology that allows you to hear a word or a phrase one syllable at a time. Another cool thing about this app is that you have access to search of the words and phrases on Twitter within the app. This opens up a pool of great examples that would actually come from native speakers on Twitter.

You can also download Byki word lists created by other users, so you will never run out of new vocabulary to learn. Byki Russian is a great visual and interactive app with some interesting and cool features.

Download Byki Russian app for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

SpeakEasy Russian by Benjamin McDowell

SpeakEasy Russian app for iPhoneIf you are planning on travelling to Russia and need an on-the-go phrasebook, then SpeakEasy Russian is definitely your first choice. This app is also available for Android phones, you can read my review of SpeakEasy Russian for Android app. SpeakEasy Russian phrasebook includes 650 words, and additional phrase packs are also available for purchase bringing the total of the words and phrases to 1,500.

Words and phrases in this app are divided in categories and are very easy to find. You can also use a search tool at the top of the screen to look for words and phrases.

SpeakEasy Russian app also includes phonetic translation of all words and phrases, making it easier for you to learn pronunciation of the new Russian words.

The newest version of the app also includes “Happy Birthday” and “Merry Christmas” vocabulary in Russian. And, of course, as you know I am big on the contemporary slang, and my favorite thing about this app is that it actually includes some good slang expressions in the Slang section. All in all, this a great easy to use phrasebook of the most common and essential Russian words and phrases. It’s especially great for those who are planning on traveling to a Russian-speaking country.

Download SpeakEasy Russian app for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.


I hope you found these reviews helpful. More reviews of the products for the Russian learners are coming! Have you tried any of these apps for iPhone or iPad? Have you tried any other apps that you would like for me to review?

Have fun learning Russian!


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Садовник и сыновья

Л.Н. Толстой

Хотел садовник сыновей приучить к садовому делу. Когда он стал умирать, позвал их к себе и сказал:

– Дети, когда я умру, вы в виноградном саду поищите, что там спрятано.

Дети думали, что там клад, и, когда отец умер, стали рыть и всю землю перекопали. Клада не нашли, а землю в винограднике так хорошо перекопали, что стало плода родиться много больше. И они стали богаты.

Все бобры для своих бобрят добры.

Приблизительный перевод: All beavers are kind to their baby beavers.

Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.

As you sow, you shall mow.