Posted on November 16th, 2011
Have you already been warned by your Russian friend to not take out trash at night or to not put cash in someone else’s hands?…. Do you remember yourself standing and scratching your head wondering what exactly it meant? Wonder, no more! Today, I will share with you the meanings of the most popular bad Russian omens. You can read about Good Russian Omens in my next article.
Throwing out Trash at Night
Never ever attempt to throw out trash at night, when staying with Russians. You’ll be stopped right away and told off! The thing is, that it is believed that if you take out trash at night, then you will not have any profit, or money coming in any time soon. On another hand, if you don’t throw trash at night – it will stink in the morning… Hmm… a difficult one.
Sitting in a Corner Seat (Attention: For Unmarried Girls Only)
So, if you would like to get married within the next 7 years, you need to make sure to steer clear from a corner seat. You see, according to the Russian omen, if an unmarried girl seats at a corner seat at a table – she will not get married for the next 7 years. Aww, poor thing.
Actually, depending on how you look at it, it might be not a bad thing after all. There is a Russian saying: «Выйти замуж не напасть, главное, замужем не пропасть», in other words – “getting married is not a big deal, it’s more important to not be wasted in marriage”. I would rather believe the last one…
Coming Back Home if You Forgot Something
Just left your house, locked the door behind you, then remembered that you forgot something and want to come back to get it? Don’t! According to this Russian omen, coming back home (especially before an important meeting, a test or a job interview) is bad luck.
Although, if I had control over this one, I would probably add a small amendment to it: allowing people to come back home in case of an emergency. For example, if you forgot to turn off a stove or left your curling iron on. Not coming back home in this case would be a truly bad luck…
Spit Three Times over Your Left Shoulder and Knock on Wood
Usually, if you break good news or make a happy observation, you would spit three times over your left shoulder and knock on wood also three times. This is to make sure that this good thing won’t be jinxed and will keep occurring. Just make sure that nobody is standing behind your left shoulder…
Accidentally Spilling Salt
This Russian omen states that if you accidentally spill salt – you will have an argument with someone. Spilt salt accidentally? Don’t worry, making up is always so much fun!
Giving a Knife or a Watch as a Gift
Apparently, according to this Russian omen giving someone knives or a watch as a gift is bad luck. Some say, that it may lead to an argument or even a split up. Believe it or not, I’ve actually heard a story from a very good friend of mine about a couple breaking up days later after a guy got a watch as a gift from his girlfriend… Spooooky.
Placing Money in One’s Hand
Whether you are paying for something or are paying back, don’t put money in a person’s hand. Some believe that along with the money a person might transfer their energy to you or even a curse. So be careful! Make sure to put the money on the table, or a cash register, or something else that you see nearby. That is if you believe it, of course.
Never Put an Empty Bottle on the Table
Have been having drinks with Russians? Look under the table! Aha! See all those bottles? Now, according to this omen, an empty bottle cannot be placed back on the table. Why, you might ask? Again, some say it’s just bad luck, others are convinced that you will be poor. While the truth is, that this “omen” appeared only a few years ago, when Russian’s didn’t want to pay the full bill for the bottles of alcohol they consumed, so they started hiding the bottles under the table. Sneaky!
Whistling Indoors
Wanted to whistle “Young Folks” along with Peter Bjorn and John, while listening to the radio at home? No such luck! It is believed that you will be poor, if you whistle indoors. Want to be reach? Don’t whistle indoors, as simple as that!
Black Cat Crossed Your Path
You might have heard this one before. It is considered bad luck, if a black cat crossed your path. I remember someone once told me to hold on to a button, as soon as I see a black kitty on my way. So very unfair, poor black kitties are blamed for our own mishaps…. This omen reminds me of a song “Black Cat” by Zhanna Aguzarova
Black Cat by Zhanna Aguzarova:
Жил да был чёрный кот за углом. И кота ненавидел весь дом. Только песня совсем не о том, Как не ладили люди с котом. Говорят, не повезёт, Если чёрный кот дорогу перейдёт. А пока наоборот Только чёрному коту и не везёт. Целый день во дворе суета, Прогоняют с дороги кота. Только песня совсем не о том, Как охотился двор за котом. Говорят, не повезёт, Если чёрный кот дорогу перейдёт. А пока наоборот Только чёрному коту и не везёт. Даже с кошкой своей за версту Приходилось встречаться коту. Только песня совсем не о том, Как мурлыкала кошка с котом. Говорят, не повезёт, Если чёрный кот дорогу перейдёт. А пока наоборот Только чёрному коту и не везёт. Бедный кот от ушей до хвоста Был черней, чем сама чернота. Да и песенка, в общем, о том, Как обидно быть чёрным котом. Говорят, не повезёт, Если чёрный кот дорогу перейдёт. А пока наоборот Только чёрному коту и не везёт. Только чёрному коту и не везёт. Только чёрному коту и не везёт. Только чёрному коту и не везёт.
This is all for today. In my next article I will talk about the good omens. What are your thoughts on the bad Russian omens?
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Good luck learning Russian and I’ll see you soon!
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Садовник и сыновья
Л.Н. Толстой
Хотел садовник сыновей приучить к садовому делу. Когда он стал умирать, позвал их к себе и сказал:
– Дети, когда я умру, вы в виноградном саду поищите, что там спрятано.
Дети думали, что там клад, и, когда отец умер, стали рыть и всю землю перекопали. Клада не нашли, а землю в винограднике так хорошо перекопали, что стало плода родиться много больше. И они стали богаты.
Все бобры для своих бобрят добры.
Приблизительный перевод: All beavers are kind to their baby beavers.
Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.
As you sow, you shall mow.